Thursday, December 8, 2011

new episode

the time that hubby and i have been waiting for.

after 5 years i finally got pregnant with my 3rd baby.

hmm... life has been a little bit full and pack and ...

with my assignments and...

i just got off the 1st trimester....

hence the absences...

wow i have been offline since october i think...

well.. i hope this will be a come back...

wanna share some pregnancy story hopefully...

See ya...

Friday, September 30, 2011


Real Science. 4Life Research products are based on sound science, pioneering research and cutting edge innovation.

From its inspiring beginnings in the United States to its current status as a world leader in direct selling, 4Life distributors have built a global empire in 12 years..source: 4Life Inspire mags

what is 4Life?
stay tune for more of this to come!
change your life and have control

ratna adnan
1st day with 4Life

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

my knight in shining armour

this was during his birthday on hajj last year.

my cheeky son and a very tender soul.
has grew up so fast that i could barely hold.
for the characteristic of a gold
are all that is found in this magical being i adore.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


sometimes i need a little push
and a lot of prayer and guidance from Allah
to be able to make that first step.
Insya Allah. all is well.

i've finally realising my dream ( one of so many )

people asked..
would i be able to cope?
its something i'm passionate about. i've yet started but i do hope that its gonna be easy peasy with all the passion inside

what's a 30 something working mother need to further her study for?
never too late, never say impossible, never die without dreaming, never under estimate oneself, imagine all possibilities

do i have time?
24 hrs per day, 1440 mins/day, 86400 seconds/day.

aren't you gonna get worked out?
definitely. save the money to the gym

among others...

i'm just thankful for Allah on all the wonderful things i managed to experience while living in this beautiful world He has created.
He also created far too many opportunities for us to make use off and to gain a perpetual bliss from.
its just a terrific waste if we just sit and do nothing.

i am taking advantage of the 24 hours/day His giving me.
make our sleeping hours shorter...
there are too many that we has and would missed.


Sunday, September 11, 2011


well. Alhamdulillah.

Currently my dream of registering my own business has comes true.
well yeah, its really easy peasy to have registering one.
anyone can do so.

but for me, i have been putting it off so long.
frankly its been toooooo long.

but now i have manage to start the first step and so i shall
move onto the 2nd, 3rd and millions of steps forward.

wish me luck!

btw, we are providing books, stationary and clothings sales and supplies.
plus a little bit on f&b as well.
will update in the fanpage or the blog more

Monday, August 15, 2011

Trust Him to show you the way!


Life is just all about how we live it.
But its only by His qada' n qadar that we should rely upon and belief in.

Marriage life are also facing challenges all the way.
miscommunications, quarrel, fights, silent treatment,
you name it..

how do we handle it?
i had my fair share of arguments also with my dear beloved ,
its really disturbing and heart aching everytime we fought,
its also ' time wasting '

But you will never be dissapointed when you turned to Allah His All Mighty for help.

The most recent fights we had, I was clearly stubborn enough to let it go even though my dear beloved seems to already forget about it and has started to spoke to me,
and I was in a derange state whether or not to let it go or be all hard on him,

until the next morning, I was on the internet and browsing and had found out about habib umar bin hafiz a well known and important scholars alive today and his a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, through his grandson Imam Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him. The 39th generation from Rasulullah PBUH.
Its just so wonderful and mesmerizing how there is such possibility for us today to see the descendant of the most missed Prophet Muhammad SAW. Allah is Great.

and all this has make me realized that Allah will never failed us and will always show His guidance to us no matter what are the way or through whom ever He pleases..

I had taken granted of this current state I'm in and asked Him, how would I ever be able to clear my mind and make peace with my dear beloved sincerely..
and than i opened the magazine i was reading the night before and i was on a topic " selesaikan masalah hanya dengan pasangan " ( settle your problem only with your spouse ), i did not finished the article when i already dozed off to sleep.

but that morning when i had that question in my mind for Allah to show me guidance, as I picked up again the magazine to continue on the article, this is what i read..

Bercakap dengan pasangan

Namun demikian, adalah lebih baik sekiranya masalah yang dihadapi itu diselesaikan dengan pasangan. Sekiranya salah seorang membicarakan tentang pasangannya pada orang lain, dikhuatiri timbulnya ketidaksesuaian dan ketidakpuasan yang tidak disampaikan dengan baik kepada pasangan. maka disinilah bermulanya saat penting untuk anda membiasakan diri menyampaikan apa sahaja masalah kepada pasangan . Cuba nyatakan dengan pola komunikasi yang baik terhadapa pasangan.

usah menunggu pasangan kita yang memulai bicara. Yakinlah sekuat mana sekalipun kita berusaha untuk mengabaikan masalah yang sedang terjadi, keadaan yang tercipta kan tetap tidak tenteram dan aman. Lakukan sesuatu untuk mengatasi masalah, dan buanglah jauh-jauh anggapan siapakah yang berhak untuk memulakan bicara.

semasa membincangkan masalah, gunakan bahasa yang sangat baik dan lembut. bukankah Allah SWT menyuruh kita untuk saling memberi nasihat dalam kesabaran dan kebaikan? dan bukankah membiarkan masalah yang berlarutan itu hanya akan membuang waktu, fikiran dan emosi yang seharusnya kita gunakan untuk hal yang lebih baik?
" Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia benar-benar dalam keadaan yang rugi. Kecuali mereka yang beriman dan beramal soleh, serta saling menasihati dalam kebenaran dan saling menasihati dalam kesabaran. " (Al-Ashr 103: 1-3 )

mulakan dari sekarang untuk membiasakan diri menyelesaikan masalah dengan tepat bersama orang yang tepat. tinggalkan kebiasaan berdiam diri dan kemudiannya meluahkan kepada orang lain. Percayalah hal ini tidak akan mendatangkan hasil, sebaliknya lebih banyak mudaratnya. untuk itu mulakan bicara untuk apa yang anda harapkan padanya, sekarang!
majalah i ; okt 2010

the answer to my disturb mind and heart ache, point blank. absolute answer from Him through my unfinished reading.

Allah has His way of showing us guidance. Ways that we would never imagine possible. Turn to only Him for help and He will never fail us. Ameen.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

pelacur, anjing & kehidupan

i was touched reading this and decided i need to share here.

by: Dr. Mohd Asri b Zainul Abidin
excerpt from: Majalah i, sept 2010

Dalam hadis nabi saw bersabda: " Diampunkan dosa seorang pelacur yang melintasi seekor anjing yang berada di tepi sebuah telaga yang lidahnya terjelir. Hampir kehausan membunuhnya. maka pelacur itu pun menanggalkan kasutnya, lalu dia ikat kasut itu dengan tudungnya lantas dia menceduk air untuk anjing tersebut. Dia diampunkan disebabkan kejadian itu" ( riwayat al-bukhari).

Saya merenung panjang setiap kali mengingati hadis ini. betapa luasnya rahmat Allah kepada hambaNya. Betapa luas peluang yang diberi kepada setiap insan mendapat keampunanNya. Betapa Allah itu Pengasih, kadang-kala dengan amal yang sedikit dijadikan sebab untuk diberikan keampunan yang besar. Namun rahmat Allah itu selalu kelihatan hambar disebabkan lidah sesetengah mereka yang mengaku dirinya mewakili Tuhan untuk berbicara tentang agamanya. Mereka ini kadang kala yang memakai bahasa, baju dan gelaran agama, seakan mewakili Tuhan dan nabi. Malangnya, mereka tidak membawa misirahmat seperti yang diajar oleh Allah kepada nabiNya saw. mereka itu selalu menggambarkan Allah penuh dengan sifat kekerasan, tanpa ihsan dan kasihan, hanya tahu menghukum dan melaknat. Dimanakah keindahan rahmat Allah seperti yang digambarkan dalam hadis diatas?! Dimanakah imbangan yang terkandung dalam firman Allah yang bermaksud: " Khabarkanlah kepada hamba-hambaKu bahawa Akulah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Pengasihani, dan bahawa azabku, adalah azab yang tidak terperi sakitnya" ( Surah al-Hijr 49-50 )

Hina dan Mulia
Perkataan yang digunakan dalam hadis tentang perempuan tersebut ialah mumisah iaitu perempuan yang terkenal dengan perbuatan zina, seperti perempuan lacur.Perempuan seperti itu sentiasa buruk pada nilaian mana-mana masyarakat pun. Adapun anjing binatang yang dianggap hina dalam kebanyakan masyarakat. Namun seorang wanita penzina mendapat keaampunan Allah swt disebabkan seekor anjing. Siapalah pelacur di mata manusia dan apalah yang ada pada seekor anjing pada penilaian manusia? Namun air yang diberikan dari pelacur itu tadi kepada anjing menyebabkan dia mendapat rahmat dan keaampunan. Apatah lagi jika seorang yang baik memberi bantuan kemanusiaan kepada sesama insan.

Kita mungkin tertanya-tanya alangkah murahnya syurga, dosa yang besar seperti berzina dapat dipadamkan dengan beberapa teguk air yang diberikan kepada anjing. Apakah ini bererti jika seseorang itu perasuah atau penzalim besar maka dia akan diampunkan dengan membuat jamuan rakyat atau dengan beberapa hidangan yang dihantar ke masjid? Sudah pasti tidak demikian. Jika itulah tafsirannya, hadis ini akan menjadi lesen manusia berbuat berbagai kesalahan, lalu dia diampunkan dengan sedikit bantuan dan sedekah yang dihulurkan. tidak begitu!

Perkara utama yang menentukan nilai dan harga setiap amalan adalah apa yang terkandung dalam jiwa atau jantung hati pengamalnya. inilah perkara yang paling sukar hendak dicapai dan dijaga. keikhlasan dan kejujuran. Ia tersimpan dalam jantung hati insan. Allah mengetahuinya. Tiada ruang pura-pura dalam jiwa. Ia melahir diri yang insaf dan tawaduk kepada Allah.

Amalan yang sama mempunyai nilai berbeza di sisi Allah disebabkan berbezanya keikhlasan dan kekusyukan jiwa pengamal-pengamalnya. Nilai solat 2 rakaat setiap kita mungkin tidak sama disisi Allah swt berdasarkan kekusyukan pengamalnya. Maka 2 orang yang berada dalam saf solat yang sama belum tentu mendapat ganjaran yang sama. Boleh jadi beza antara mereka bagai langit dan bumi. Nilaian disisi Allah pada keikhlasan dan keinsafan diri pengamalnya.

Banyak dan Sedikit
Bahkan kadang kala mungkin ada amalan yang sedikit tapi nilaiannya lebih besar dari amalan yang banyak. Seorang miskin yang menderma RM 10, mungkin akan mendapat ganjaran yang lebih dari seorang kaya yang menderma Rm 1000. Sekalipun nilainya cuma RM 10, tetapi itulah kadar yang dia termampu. Kadar itu pula besar bagi dirinya yang bergaji 10 atau 15 ringgit sehari. dia pun mengeluarkan Rm 10 dengan penuh erti dan berat sekalipun mungkin lekeh bagi orang lain. Dia keluarkannya denganpenuh ikhlas dan insaf terhadap kurniaan Allah. Sudah pasti derma seperti itu berbeza disisi Allah dibandingkan derma RM 1000 yang dikeluarkan dengan kesombongan atau kurang keikhlasan, atau ada tujuan tertentu. Namun jika kadar yang besar dikeluarkan dengan jiwa yang luhur, pasti ganjarannya lebih.

Demikian juga pelacur tadi, perbuatannya mungkin nampak ringkas tetapi mungkin jiwanya penuh dengan insaf dan mengharapkan kurnia Tuhan kepadanya, maka dia pun diampun dan dibuka jalan kebaikan. Allah tahu tentang dirinya. Allah tahu tentang nilai-nilai luhur yang adal dalam dirinya. Memberi minum kepada anjing yang kehausan itu satu bukti dari nilai baik dalam dirinya itu. Allah ampuninya. demikian Allah akan ampuni hamba-hambaNya. Berapa ramai orang-orang bukan Muslim yang sangat baik kepada masyarakat manusia, haiwan dan tumbuhan. Malangnya umat Islam atas kelemahan dan kagagalan menjadi contoh yang baik menyebabkan Islam tidak sampai kepada mereka dengan cara yang sebenar lagi menyakinkan. Namun, kebaikan yang mereka tunjukkan, yang dilakukan dengan jiwa yang luhur, ada nilai disisi Allah.

Apatah lagi dalam Surah al-Isra' ayat 15. " Kami tidak akan mengazab,  sehinggalan Kami mengutuskan rasul" Maksudnya, sehingga ajaran rasul atau utusan Allah itu sampai kepada seseorang, barulah dia dikira bersalah jika enggan mengikutnya. Ajaran islam yang sebenar gagal disampaikan kepada kebanyakan masyarakat manusia didunia. Selain media barat yang memburukkan wajah Islam, umat Islam sendiri pun tidak berdakwah dan gagal menjadi contoh yang baik. Ramai manusia hidup atas nilai-nilai kebaikan yang ada dalam jiwa mereka tanpa berpeluang menikmati tauhid yang benar. semoga Allah mengampuni mereka. Bahkan mereka mungkin lebih mendapat keaampunan Allah dibandingkan kita yang mengetahui ajaran para rasul tetapi gagal menanamkan nilai-nilai luhur dan jujur dalam jiwa.

Insafi Diri
hadis ini juga mengingatkan kita agar jangan memandang hina kepada orang lain. Ya, perbuatan yang salah memang dihukum salah, dosa tetap dosa. Namun kedudukan pelakunya disisi Allah, hanya Allah Yang Maha Tahu. Mungkin satu hari mereka akan mendapat keaampunan melebihi orang lain. Ini semua kerana keikhlasan dan keinsafan jiwa setiap insan tidak sama. Mungkin seseorang kelihatan baik kerana lahir dalam suasana yang baik. Seseorang lain mungkin menjadi jahat kerana linkungan kehidupannya. Namun jika ada dalam jantung hati keikhlasan, kejujuran dan keinsafan diri, dia kan menemui jalan keaampunan Allah Yang Maha Adil lagi Penyayang. semoga kita semua tawaduk serta insaf terhadap kelemahan diri sendiri serta kelebihan yang mungkin dimiliki oleh orang lain, sehingga dia mungkin lebih disayangi Allah dari kita! Dengan keinsafan dan perasaan tawaduk itu, diharapkan kita juga mendapat keaampunan Allah!

Dr. Mohd Asri b Zainul Abidin
ialah mantan Mufti kerajaan negeri Perlis

Monday, July 4, 2011

mati, saat kita dpat bertemu dengan yang tercinta Allah

ulang tayang Halaqah SentuhanQalbu bersama pengasas Esq Dr. Ary Ginanjar Agustian;

bagaimana kita mengahadapi mati adakah kita tak mahu membicarakan mati, tak relevent, lambat lagi atau adakah kita menantikan akhir hayat agar kita dapat menemui saat yang paling didambakan. kenapa kita hendak ingat mati. sayang dunia...

kita ingat pada mati, kerana saat inilah yang menjadi tujuan hidup kita di dunia bertemu Pencipta Allah SWT yang menyayangi kita lebih dari 1000 orang kasih sayang ibu. Atas setiap hela nafas kita dibumi ini hanyalah disebabkan kehendakNya. Itu kenikmatan setiap saat yang kita perolehi atas kasih sayang Allah.

bila kita tidur Allah tetap meneruskan degupan jantung kita, memelihara kita kala kita tenang merehatkan diri,
tak ingat apapun hanya ketenangan dan rehat kemudian di pancarkan muka bumi ini untuk kita dapat melihat dan melalui hari yang terang dan indah. Ya Allah!

setiap kematian sesuatu yang di nanti-nantikan
bayangkan kita berjumpa ibu bapa, suami isteri, anak-anak di pagi Aidil Fitri,
darabkan 1000 kali, 1000 kali lagi dan 1000000 kali lagi,
begitulah bahagianya berjumpa Allah.

persiapkan diri. Jangan jadi hamba Allah yang kufur yang daif yang jahil.
marilah kita mencuba menghargai Allah sepenuhnya. Pleased Allah.

long term vision:
berjumpa Allah dengan persiapan diri yang terbaik
mid term vision:
melakukan kerja / ibadah yang terbaik
short term vision
setiap saat setiap waktu. lakukan yg terbaik ikhlas kerana Allah


Monday, June 20, 2011

kids! read books

i strongly believes that books is the best way to keep your child grounded and more real.
yes, our lifestyle nowadays are so much compact and fast and moving
we dont want to be too carried away with this kinda lifestyle

PSP, I phone, I pad, whatever the latest gadgets and technologies there is
too much of it consume will only lead our kids to be much more farther from us
of course there is a need to get them expose and aware of all this hi tech stuff
but dont rely too much on it to keep our kids entertain/ occupied whilst we go through with our
daily routine/ tasks..

i hope we will change the perceptions that the lifestyle
nowadays are modern and hi tech,
hence we need to get all this gadgets and teach our kids on the latest tech

remember that we need as much as humanity instill in our kids,
moral values, human touch,
communication when you see them eye to eye

more outdoors activities, self defense classes,
and be involved in more human interactive activities
use the technologies for a better purpose,
find information on the activities held in your surronding community

built our children a better future.
read with your kids
make it a habit

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

latest edition; Nur Ayesha Ellana

pic courtesy of Ain Sanusi

she is the latest edition to our growing family.

Nur Ayesha Ellana bt Mohamed Hafiz
my first niece ( biological )
and this would be the first person whom gonna call me with some other calling name
i havent thought about this...
and when my sister pointed it out to me..
i went...haaa aahh laaa

may be...
ibu also...
mak long...
ibu nini
like indonish
dont know laaa



Saturday, June 11, 2011

awal-awal agama mengenal Tuhan

excerpt :

kalau di ambil faktor usia manusia pula
bagaimana pula nak didik anak-anak kita
paling awal umur setahun mungkin baru boleh berkata-kata
nak ajar apa kepada anak kita seawal umur mereka
kalau nak ambil bila mereka boleh faham kata-kata
faham makna dan maksudnya mungkin sudah mencecah 7 tahun umurnya
inilah yang kita faham baligh namanya

kalau sudah cecah 7 tahun baru nak beri agama
ini sudah lewat dan sudah senja kata manusia
ini bukan awal-awal usia namanya
awal-awal usia kita bila ibu sedar ada manusia dalam perutnya
jadi dimana kita nak mula memberi agama kepada manusia
setelah Tuhan berkata Awal-awal agama Mengenal Tuhan yang Esa

Nukilan: Dato' Md Dakhiyar Hj Amir from Rahsia menjadi kaya dan berjaya by SH Al Attas &
Dr. Azizan Osman; page: 226

Thursday, June 2, 2011


need to get me inspired..
mind block
nothing serious though..
just thinking a lot on where i have been
who i have met

the past of me
the present of me and
the future of me

basically just pondering
what have i achieved up till now...

most precious though is them

so i am bless with my most treasured possessions
2 wonderful amazing and magical being i loved with all my heart
Bless by Allah and grateful for His gifts.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

hidayah Allah

memang sesuatu yang kita jarang nak fikir
tapi bila fikir rasa bercampur baur
kadang rasa hendak minta Allah berikan
kadang rasa cam tak ready je

aku sekarang selalu berfikir
kalau Allah ambil nyawaku malam ini,
mati katak je!

betapa kerdil hambaMu ini ya Allah!
tak tertanggung rasa azab Mu ya Allah!
aku tak sempat lagi beramal dan membawa bekalan ku
untuk bertemu denganMu ya Allah!

aku kadang dah fikir gitu tapi
masih tak mengambil kesempatan yang tinggal
terusan tidur tak ingin nak bangun ditengah malam
sampai bila aku ni nak sedar!

Allah paling murka pada hambaNya yang sudah belajar dan ada ilmu
tapi tak dibuat berbanding orang yang memang tak belajar dan takde ilmu
ustazah Nasiah kata semalam.

Borak ngan mama semalam,
nak hadir kelas/usrah dan majlis agama
yang muda-muda takde
hanya makcik-makcik yang senior aje
ada ke?
Maut itu tak mengenal usia.

mari kita sama-sama cari ruang dan peluang
menambah ilmu di dada
persiapan untuk akhirat kelak
yang abadi
jangan sampai berputih mata
bertemu Allah dalam kekufuran
Ya Allah kau lindungilah hambaMu

bacaan selepas tahiyat akhir sebelum bagi salam
1. Allahoomma  inni a'uu zubika min azaabil qobri
2. wa a'uu zubika min azaabi jahannam
3. wa a'uuzubika min fitnatil dajjal
4. wa a'uuzubika min fitnatil mah yaa wal mamaat

1. aku berlindung dari-Mu ya Allah dari siksa kubur dan
2. aku berlindung dari-Mu ya Allah dari siksa jahanam dan
3. aku berlindung dari-Mu ya Allah dari fitnah dajjal dan
4. aku berlindung dari-Mu ya Allah dari fitnah hidup dan mati

source: dari ustazah Nasiah,

Monday, May 16, 2011

1st school trip

zikry first school trip
to National Science Centre

as usual ' enjin dia tak panas lagi '
see the serious gloomy face

keep asking about the dinosaur
remembering our last trip to Petrosains
long curly hair...hmmm da besar dah anak ibu!

so told him not to worry and have fun.

its wonderful to experience all this moments
how they grew up so fast were beyond my imagination
cherish them every moment

Monday, May 9, 2011

technology? hmmm...

in view of the world today. the technologies, 'the complication', the ever challenging life we are living in.
coming across so many stuff going around in web
it's borderless definitely
but how would we be able to do this
getting information are just easy even if its irrelevant
we needed to be mature and sensible and of course responsible coz this ain't some light matters
especially in shaping our future generation

well, too many and i mean really too many irresponsible stuff are around the web
so we need to have control on our life
not to get involve
decline any unnecessary request
dont correspondence too freely
be sensitive in using words

i think we needed to be more cultured and smart in advancing to technologies
all is because our future moral value are at stake.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

happy mothers day!

Always be bless that we still have our mother to love and to hold coz when they were no longer wish they still are...and its already too late

imagine being her....

i love you mama and mak!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

muscular injuries

i've been having some back pain
and finally last 2 days i got the major effect...
i strain my back muscle and was not able to stand up as i felt sharp pain on my back
and cant seat on my bottom as if it cant support me at all
and at times when i stand up for more than a minutes
it's as if i'm gonna fall..

this caused me a little bit of panic.. i'm worried that  my back bone fractured or if its the slip disc
so went to clinic and dr said its muscle pain. gave me a shot and some medicine
Alhamdulillah nothing serious.
and its healing and better today.

this happen due to me working out literally WORKing out cleaning up my office...
hahaha my staff said...akak tak penah buat keje nih...tu laaa
another one said...akak dah tua ni....
oh well :P

so unfortunately once a muscle has injured...

Your muscles heal very differently than your bones. If you fracture a bone, as long as it is set and fixed in place properly, it will tend to heal so thoroughly that it will become stronger than it was before the fracture!
Your muscles however, do not actually heal with muscle tissue, but with “foreign” substances including collagen. The resulting scar tissue is weaker, less elastic, and highly prone to re-injury. Once a muscle is damaged, it can become the source of a great deal of it here

So i need to be more alert and not to be too fast moving but that'll be hard as i really cant move slow a lot..
but it'll be something i need to do for my health..

by the way!
along the unfortunate incident.. my heart ache also
but out of happiness of my DAUGHTER

KAKAK she has become my angel and has taken care of me...
the night I came back was already late.
when she learned that i am in pain.. she said
kakak: kakak nak urut ibu malam nih
ibu: tapi dah lambat kakak kena tido, sok nak sekolah
kakak: tak pe kakak urut dulu
ibu: okay pas tu kakak tido

and arriving at home she hold me as i had to walk soo slowly
and she asked me to lay down
she took the 'minyak gamat'

she asked me to recite Al- Fatihah
and after finished she pour the minyak and start massaging me..

and she has been the best daughter in the world and kept helping me out and care for me
Alhamdulillah for the blessing He gave me..

and above all thanks Allah for your test and guidance

Friday, April 29, 2011

i went to interview

hmm it has been soooo long...
need to brush up my skill

it went well also.
one thing i notice
i am more at ease with myself
not as cucumber

confident is just the key and express myself...

how was it. do i get the job?
well, they gave the typical we'll call you if you're hired..

the job..i was quite frank that half of the criteria i cant fulfil
if i were her i wont hire me
but lets see
give it a good 1 week for any news
if not...
tak de rezeki laa

but i could brush up my interviewing skills.. so ok

some pointer to share..

1. confident and be comfortable
2. dont bad talk your previous employer
3. be authentic yet professional
4. pet question " tell me about yourself"
tell them on your achievement related to the job scope you're interviewing
5. put ourself in the interviewer shoes..
why would you hire you...

ahak... good luck

Allah is Great. Insya Allah. Smile

Friday.. senyum itu sedekah

Thursday, April 28, 2011

cry vs tears

i cry after a sappy movies, i cry over and ads, i cry reading a good book
my hubby said; i'm 'chembeng' ( that means cry baby in bahasa pasar )

well you know what; i feel bigger and release after a good cry...


by crying

1. the tears help us see more

2. tears kill bacteria

3. tears remove toxins

4. crying can elevate mood

5. crying lowers stress

6. tears build community

7. tears releases feelings

for more read here

so people cry lorrrr


btw..i cry watching oprah tooooo

Sunday, April 24, 2011

cloudy and rain

despite all, Alhamdulillah.
Allah is great.
lazy sunday today.
but cooked. nasi goreng sotong ( name given by kakak )
which actually is nasi goreng tomyam

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

i have a confession


i have been goin' down memory lane..
of the whole 33.5 years i'm living, i have met the most wonderful people along the way.

i thought about it for a while and misses those moments so much..
i've lost in touch with them mostly.. but looking at ol' photos.. can't help but feeling sad that those times has passed, but now with the technology and network easy reached, we get to be in touch and see each others current updates.. so thats a plus for technology.

as for my confession... actually is that, i'm so bad in keeping in touch with friends i made along the way except for my 7 wonderful bff, you know who you are...
that also was mostly their effort in getting me involved.
i am sad at times of my lack of effort in keeping my relations with these wonderful people
coz remembering back, we did share moments, intimate or not, interest, on things or boys..hehehe,
passion, dream, sadness, fights you name it.

my heart does ache when i remember them coz human relationship are just beyond real and magical and
the impact for each other are just overwhelming.

how each of us had turned out from whom we were before are the universal mystery.. when i saw some of the photos and current updates of some who has achieved somthing in life, i do felt envious and this realization was un welcome, but achievement i think back, was really subjectives coz Allah is Great and each of us were given different path to go, separate objectives to live by and individuals achievement to have.
Now thats a true magic and such a beautiful wonders for us to find out.

Some of us might do well spiritually, some financially, some being formally educated but some experience educated, some late boomer or early boomer and what ever it is,
but one thing for sure, each one of us have our on spot in this world and definite own spot in eternity.

by the way, to those of who have met my acquaintances, i thank you for making me who i am today.
 one way or another you have made an impact in my life and will continue to do so in the future. Alhamdulillah.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

dunia ni sementara je! FAHAM!


apa dah jadi dgn sistem pengadilan dan tampuk pemerintahan negara Malaysia?
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dah disabit kesalahan ke? dah di jatuh hukuman ke?

ape yang nak di kejar kat dunia nih ha!!!!
aib! fitnah! tunjuk ajar pada generasi baru!
anak2 yang baru nak lihat dunia!

medium ilmu yang sepatutnya di jadi pembawa berita yang benar dan adil
dah jadi sampah!

belum tahu samada benar ke salah... dah dijatuhkan hukuman sendiri..
but to other's expense!

sorry for being emotional... but
when it involves my future khalifah... i just cant help but make it
my business !!

why are we not making senses !!
adults, who was suppose to be well educated, well read,
are you not getting enough already...

we are not staying here forever you know! so its not worth it!

salah satu tanda kecil kiamat;
"banyak dusta dan tidak tepat dalam menyampai berita"

walaupun kalau dsai salah, apa hak kita sebagai manusia yg hina ni nak menunjuk aib orang?
you tube, internet, handphone,
memang selalu sangat tersebar!
tapi SURAT KHABAR pun nak kena menyebarkan ke?
has he been convicted? NO! at least NOT YET right?
wheres the justice in that?

dah la buang mase je cerita pasal nih!


"Demi Masa!"

إِنَّ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ لَفِى خُسۡرٍ

"Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian"

إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوۡاْ بِٱلۡحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوۡاْ بِٱلصَّبۡرِ

"Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar"

and now I need to clean up some one else's mess in corrupting my future khalifah! Thanks a million!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

how do we think?

i'm inspired. its so true and worth watching! parents lets watch and ponder on the essence of him pointing out something we had all been neglecting..

are we an avid user of our right side brain? the video an realize how we have been putting a stop on exploring our brain creatvity potential.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

saya dapat wake up call

i was reading a book by the successful trainer dr. azizan colaberating with the ever controversial writer s.h. alattas titled ' rahsia menjadi kaya & berjaya dunia & akhirat '. baru bace 3rd chapter. saya dah terkesima.
tajuknye anak melayu sekolah cina. pengalaman dr. azizan yang bersekolah cina. beliau berkongsi beberapa pemerhatian dan yang buat saya terkesima tu..

quote: ' bangsa cina amat menekankan yang anak mereka diberi pendidikan dan latihan yang menyediakan mereka untuk berniaga dan buat duit melalui perniagaan. mereka menekankan yang perniagaan adalah satu BUDAYA. mereka telah mengamalkan apa yang Rasulullah SAW katakan bahawa PERNIAGAAN ADALAH 9/10 DARIPADA SUMBER REZEKI! Kita? 1/10? '

pic credit : pak habib blog

saya rasa terpukul. betapa cetek pemikiran kita. but we actually do NOT practically follow sunnah and Al-Quran as we are born muslim and we have this BUDAYA or cultural lifestyle where we do a lot of negotiation in terms of our life as Muslim.

I am one of that! practically negotiating all the way! But I want to be better. I want to learn the path straight forward no twist as I know that I might die tomorrow being an ignorant. I am looking and finding and learning... see i think i'm negotiating again...


Sunday, March 6, 2011

sedar tak sedar

saw a snap shot tagged to a friend today...
2 kids at the age of about 6 or 7...
a boy and a girl....
a snap shot of them kissing...on the lips...
with the boy's hand cupping the girls cheek...
sangat imitation of an adult kissing...
call me old fashion... what eva..

what are we really thinking... cute ke?...
we need to start to be more sensitives of our childrens action...
siblings or not boys and girls are not suppose to be acting or doing anything more than a peck in the cheek...
so they are only babies...
show loves towards others with respect and modesty..

we are not goin' to instill any kind of backwards thinking into our babies.. even if they are merely a newborn..
remember they have stronger memories when they are still at this age...
they absorbed everything like sponge...
so we need to built the ground work now..

its totally ironic... when we say islamic life style are old and too stringent...
the western are more modern, open and easy going...
just look around us people
what's becoming of our nation, our future generation...
are we happy with the social condition today...
is this really something normal that we want to live in...

i'm asking myself this question over and over again...
i am no better than anyone else...
and 100% no intention of condemning others...
but i am afraid and worried for my future generation...
how are they going to be able to live in such a community...
what are their understanding...
what are their belief...
where are they heading to in their life...
semoga Allah beri hidayah-Nya pada saya...
I just wants to have His blessing...
Need Him to remind me of my purpose in life coz this is merely a journey which the ends are more real and eternity.. 


pic courtesy tiamo

me and my shoes crazed..
best nih at tiamo...get ballerina flats or pumps at varieties of colors coz the designs are just too many..
cant wait to get one especially the pair that's for mommy and childs which is totally cool!
its available at the gardens midvalley and sunway pyramid.
definitely a worth buy.

Monday, February 28, 2011

asas. always the best!

just to share on my reading on the topic of natural parenting.

1. breast feed our child
that it is the most exclusive privilege we can gv our baby. the 1st milk is the icing on a cake. excuses wont be getting us any where. once our mind say we cant, it'll just not happen. talk to others, be more informatives. don't give up. its like giving up on your child even right after they were born.

2. sleep
modern westernized thought that you separate your baby from the day they were born. but holding to our baby, the intimacy relation between us are the most important especially in the really early stages of his life. maybe at about 3 they are ready to sleep by themselves.

3. mommy's home cookin'
we always remember  our mom's cooking. we always want to feel the need to have this meals especially when we were away so long. because mom's cook are something that bond a family. so how busy we a week at least prepare a little something for the family even if its just 1 meal.

4. teaching
no school can compare to the value of the school of thoughts. whatever we experience is a contributor. get our kids involved in our activities as this experience will be with them as they are growing up.

5. say no to chemicals
junk foods? snacks? bottles ? diapers? how do this effect our babies life in the long run. may be we should slowly stop this. start it with baby steps.

6. Dua'
after ou prayer. never forget our dua' for our babies. when they have already asleep. recite Ya Latif..Ya Latif.. and leave Allah to provide His Greatness
as being thought by Rasulullah SAW :
i. 1st 7 yrs. time to pamper our babies, no tough disciplinary action, no spanking. Caress them touch them full with our love. Hugs n Kisses. also listen. treat our babies as equals.

ii. 2nd 7 yrs. if they do any unacceptable action, they have to be responsible on it. if they dont perform their solah, they are a need to cane them but only on their palm and do it with love not fury as this is important to their understanding that all their action comes with responsibilities.

iii. 3rd 7 yrs. they are no cane needed at this stage. they are more vulnerable about their feelings. we need to be more approachable.develope trust and friendship. always listen to their needs. maybe recall back on how we were at this age. they also has to speak their mind and we shall be able to guide them through.

so parents! it is not a walk in the park to raise a child. it is not for us to take this lightly. every moments count as a memories that we instill in our childs' mind. every little things we do thought our child somethings which could have an impact to their lives. but whatever it is or how difficult.. a walk in the park sometimes is just the solutions.

xoxo ;)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

how do i do it

how do i do it...
a question mark definitely... not a statement...
its been around my head...on..and onn...

how do you make a difference...
how can you give a great impact...
i'm soooo hesitant... i want to be an executor...
i dont wanna be just mere procastinator...
i wanna act on it...

i've alwayss have ideas...big smalll... realistic ..not realistic...
tons..and  tons...of idea... but it always ended up as ideas...only...

i need a kick in the b**t i guess..
i wanna change so head ache...
i wanna live my dreams..
i wanna leave a mark, an impact to other peoples lives...
at least most of all to my babies...

i think i'm simply being greedy..
i wanna do too many things... i aint focusing...
probably due to that,
i'm in this confusion..

well than i must start to act small and let it snowball ...
but one thing for sure...
its all His call. it'll be what He want it to be..
and He most definitely knows whats best for me...
but I shall cherished every moments..
walk every paths with my head held high...
proud that He is still giving me this chance to breath and make the most
of my being to work harder to enjoy my life and yes to be a
better muslim..
Insya Allah

Sunday, February 13, 2011

home sweet home

how's this your space got invaded. your most secure and safe space you called home.
Allah test us all the times. i take this as another test by Him.
but Alhamdulillah there was no one home but i just cant imagine if we were in. my babies.
i've been in a blurry mode since last night. the thought  of someone uninvited entring my house and touching my things...

we are taking higher precautions. this is not some simple things that can be dealt easily. secure our home. lock it more... and always look around us before unlocking our home.

Pray for Allah to protect us from any danger and maniacs.

Monday, January 17, 2011


went through this year calendar.
sekarang nak rancang apa-apa pun kena tengok kalendar.
bila cuti sekolah...
anakku sudah masuk pra sekolah...
azam ibu papanya...
not to skip school...

as for my boy will need to start on mengaji soon
i wish we could get things done this year...
insya Allah

also, nak banyak belajar lagi,
to improve my knowledge on ibadah
to improve my career path
to realize my dream and to grab all opportunities...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

baby girl turn 6

my baby girl has turn 6.
my independent, loving and responsible darling,
she's observant and love babies and preggies mom to the max,
to date: she wants to become a pediatrician / gynecologists.

started pre school as usual the tallest in class.. got her to transport by excited about it..
she was braved and full of excitement to start school...
her reserved and kakak2 character was easily recognized when among her new school friends.

Alhamdulillah for the wonderful person she has turn out to be! Ibu pray for your amazing things ahead and for Allah to bless you all the way. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

gerai kue tiow abg roy

memang dah lame gerai nih bertapak kat sini.. ada lebih 6 tahun kot...dan harganya tetap tk berubah2...rm 3 for a plate of kuetiow....

sadly they hv move last yr... dec 2010....takde lagi abg roy yg goreng kue tiow.... but he left behind someone to continue his legacy....hopefully will be as successful as he was....

tak sabar rasenyer nak makan kue tiow dari penyambung legacy abg roy!


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