Monday, March 14, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

how do we think?

i'm inspired. its so true and worth watching! parents lets watch and ponder on the essence of him pointing out something we had all been neglecting..

are we an avid user of our right side brain? the video an realize how we have been putting a stop on exploring our brain creatvity potential.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

saya dapat wake up call

i was reading a book by the successful trainer dr. azizan colaberating with the ever controversial writer s.h. alattas titled ' rahsia menjadi kaya & berjaya dunia & akhirat '. baru bace 3rd chapter. saya dah terkesima.
tajuknye anak melayu sekolah cina. pengalaman dr. azizan yang bersekolah cina. beliau berkongsi beberapa pemerhatian dan yang buat saya terkesima tu..

quote: ' bangsa cina amat menekankan yang anak mereka diberi pendidikan dan latihan yang menyediakan mereka untuk berniaga dan buat duit melalui perniagaan. mereka menekankan yang perniagaan adalah satu BUDAYA. mereka telah mengamalkan apa yang Rasulullah SAW katakan bahawa PERNIAGAAN ADALAH 9/10 DARIPADA SUMBER REZEKI! Kita? 1/10? '

pic credit : pak habib blog

saya rasa terpukul. betapa cetek pemikiran kita. but we actually do NOT practically follow sunnah and Al-Quran as we are born muslim and we have this BUDAYA or cultural lifestyle where we do a lot of negotiation in terms of our life as Muslim.

I am one of that! practically negotiating all the way! But I want to be better. I want to learn the path straight forward no twist as I know that I might die tomorrow being an ignorant. I am looking and finding and learning... see i think i'm negotiating again...


Sunday, March 6, 2011

sedar tak sedar

saw a snap shot tagged to a friend today...
2 kids at the age of about 6 or 7...
a boy and a girl....
a snap shot of them kissing...on the lips...
with the boy's hand cupping the girls cheek...
sangat imitation of an adult kissing...
call me old fashion... what eva..

what are we really thinking... cute ke?...
we need to start to be more sensitives of our childrens action...
siblings or not boys and girls are not suppose to be acting or doing anything more than a peck in the cheek...
so they are only babies...
show loves towards others with respect and modesty..

we are not goin' to instill any kind of backwards thinking into our babies.. even if they are merely a newborn..
remember they have stronger memories when they are still at this age...
they absorbed everything like sponge...
so we need to built the ground work now..

its totally ironic... when we say islamic life style are old and too stringent...
the western are more modern, open and easy going...
just look around us people
what's becoming of our nation, our future generation...
are we happy with the social condition today...
is this really something normal that we want to live in...

i'm asking myself this question over and over again...
i am no better than anyone else...
and 100% no intention of condemning others...
but i am afraid and worried for my future generation...
how are they going to be able to live in such a community...
what are their understanding...
what are their belief...
where are they heading to in their life...
semoga Allah beri hidayah-Nya pada saya...
I just wants to have His blessing...
Need Him to remind me of my purpose in life coz this is merely a journey which the ends are more real and eternity.. 


pic courtesy tiamo

me and my shoes crazed..
best nih at tiamo...get ballerina flats or pumps at varieties of colors coz the designs are just too many..
cant wait to get one especially the pair that's for mommy and childs which is totally cool!
its available at the gardens midvalley and sunway pyramid.
definitely a worth buy.


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