Thursday, December 9, 2010

janji manismuu....

katanye.... next billing i'm gonna have sufficient... but again there'll be some hiccup....

another problem unresolved and another wait and patience...

but till than?...

nape susah sangat nak work out this has been like 6 months... we have been suffering....
seriously this waiting game has become old...
i'm kinda getting tired of it...

hmmm what should i do?
no more the same ol thing!

execute something!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

need to focus!

berat betul tangan nih nak mem'blog', but i will not give up. that's what i kept saying to myself on an on

so life has been very fulfilling. Alhamdulillah.

but a journey i've yet to take and accomplish. need to focus!

i've got 1001 and things to do.. bak kate orang gelojoh...sume nak buat

so, i thought that will only make it impossible jadinye... i'll be more specific this time!

the key is to stay focus and have more detail plan and action.

1. sources of information
2. help could attain from this sources
3. bp
4. cashflow
5. pattern & sample
6. realized it
7. plan..plan...plan
8. nxt xtep

password: skirts

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

i'm disturbed

salam ramadhan. this has been a disturbing few days for me. It has been going on for far too long. apa nak jadik dengan komuniti kita hari nih? hari2 pon mesti ada news. social problem. umat Islam yang telah pudar jati dirinya. Banyak sangat sosial problem yang berlaku di sekeliling kita.

I'm thinking of it as a challenge for us and opportunity to be better. What has been the caused of all this nonsense. Jahil kita hari ini adalah lebih jahil dari umat jahiliyah pada zaman Rasulullah SAW. At least that time there has no guidance, no religion for them to hold on to. But us now are clearly has been a borne Muslim and Islam are our faith and believes. But yet we are much worse than the "Jahiliyah". 

Terlalu kejam kita dalam menidakkan hak asasi manusia walaupun sekecil bayi yang belum mengerti walau setitik nilai kehidupan. Anak-anak yang dahagakan kasih sayang dan bimbingan tetapi tidak memperolehinya malah ibu bapa sendiri pun tidak dapat dipercayai. Remaja-remaja hilang identiti diri. Jati diri langsung tiada dalam hati. Kehidupan ikutan barat yang jadi pegangan dan matlamat yang tidak nyata. 

Zina itu perkara biasa dalam kehidupan zaman moden. Moden ke? Apa yang berlandaskan budaya barat itu moden. Ade ke? Bukan semua nilai dari barat itu tak baik. Malah ada yang patut kita contohi. Like their ways of showing loves with hugs and kisses publicly but of course for us yang halal dan sopan sahaja kan. Or their reading habits. But than we tend to follow those negatives culture. Apa tak reti berfikir kah kita. Tak dapat nak bezakan yang baik dan buruknya. Pakaian kita yang terdorong dengan etika pakaian barat yang less is more... club?...drinking and smoking.... sedang sekolah dulu ustazah dah ajar itu kencing syaitan... but still dek nak dikatakan moden and in...wah bukan main hebat menikmati....pandai pulak tuh with the different types and ways to have it. And worse still flip in some of our magazines.... adalah ruangan or pages of some event held and this so called socialite attended it was of course some of them was well known muslim and proudly holding a wine glass. Hebat sangatkah...class kah?.... Nauzubillah....

Moral of the story... Marilah kita beramai2 fikir sejenak. Look into the root cause of the dilemma we are facing today. What is our contribution. What we can do! Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk kepada kita! Amin. Wassalam

Friday, July 9, 2010

Halaqah Sentuhan Qalbu: 6 Julai 10

Halaqah Sentuhan Qalbu: 6 Julai 10

kontrak hidup... we have to do justice to ourself... kita dilahirkan di dunia, di hidupkan oleh Allah SWT.. Kontraknya adalah untuk sujud dan taat pada Pencipta kita. Amalan kita adalah pakaian kita di hari Kiamat...

Hidup kita penuh dengan perjanjian @ kontrak yang penuh dengan syarat-syarat dan terma-terma.
Ada sebuah kontrak yang paling penting dalam hidup kita."Pegang dada kita dan rasakan degupan jantung kita... pejamkan mata.... ' kita pun ada dalam sebuah kontrak... perjanjian kita pada Allah.. kita adalah pihak kedua, kita adalah manusia...dan pihak pertama adalah yang membuat jantung kita berdegup... yang kita rasa... yang membuat darah mengalir saat ini, yg membuat kita hidup saat ini...yang membuat kita masih dapat bernafas... tarikan nafas dan hembusan nafas... Dialah Pencipta Alam ini dan Pencipta manusia iaitu Allah SWT. kita dah menjalani kontrak kita hingga sekarang...yg tk ditandatangani dlm kertas tapi tertulis di hati dan terukir dalam jiwa kita... Ya Allah , kami bersaksi Ya Allah bahawa Kaulah Tuhan kami! tiada alasan utk mengatakan yang aku lalai... aku lupa...."

register online and get to watch all episode we already missed! It's worth all your time in this world to watch it! Tahniah Tv9... Hopefully it will be aired... something for someone like me ... untuk kesedaran dan keinsafan!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Halaqah; Sentuhan Qalbu


Programme by Tv9, Halaqah: Sentuhan Qalbu yang dihoskan oleh penerbitnya sendiri, Ahmad Noor Sulaiman disiarkan sebanyak 13 episod bermula 15 Jun and aired at 10 pm every Tuesday.

Topik-topik yang dibentangkan akan menyentuh tentang kecerdasan intelektual, kecerdasan emosi dan pencerahan kerohanian supaya bersyukur dengan pemberian Allah SWT.

Halaqah pada musim kali ini menampilkan kelainan apabila bekerjasama dengan ESQ Leadership Centre untuk mengetengahkan beberapa topik menarik, selain ahli panel yang hebat dalam ilmuan agama.

Rasa yang sangat mendalam, panel yang dijemput memberi kesedaran yang menyentuh perasaan dan segmen oleh panel dari ESQ meliputi emosi diri. Sangat indah dan menyedarkan. 

This is highly recommended programme to watch. Cleansing and reinstate our belief in Islam. One of a sure way to have us felt the beauty of Islam and appreciate all the sacrifices by our Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Great Allah gifted to us all our life. Tak terkira banyaknya.

Please watch it! It's worth the hour of your life!

Topik lain di dalam 13 episod program Halaqah Sentuhan Qalbu seperti Dicipta, Pohon Hidup, Ikon, Kontrak Hidup, Dairi Nabi Ibrahim a.s, Macam Mainan, Saham Ibubapa, Namaku Remaja, Ayah & Ibu, 5 Minit Aje, Akhir Hayat, Mengurus Dunia dan Ketika Pulang,” katanya.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I need some motivation. I'm restless and depressed. I need some changes in my life. Tired of the same old things. Need to be patient and plan well. Right. 

Well, the first step is always the hardest. But we should never give up right? I need to take 1 step back and ponder for a moment. 

Hmmm.... Allah kabulkan doa ku! 

Btw thought of selling off some of my books. In the middle of sorting it out.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Sinus Infection Symptoms

Sinus Infection Causes

Acute sinusitis usually follows a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract, but allergy-causing substances (allergens) or pollutants may also trigger acute sinusitis. Viral infection damages the cells of the sinus lining, leading to inflammation.

Maxillary sinusitis (behind the cheek bones)

  • Pain across the cheekbone, under or around the eye, or around the upper teeth

  • Pain or pressure on one side or both

  • Tender, red, or swollen cheekbone (maxilla)

  • Pain and pressure symptoms are worse with the head upright and bending forward and better when reclining

  • Nasal discharge or postnasal drip

  • Fever is common

Those also experiencing facial pain or headaches may have a sinus infection.

Sinus Infection Treatment (Self-Care at Home)

Home care can help open the sinuses and alleviate their dryness.
Promote drainage:

  • Drink plenty of water and hydrating beverages such as hot tea.
  • Inhale steam two to four times per day by leaning over a bowl of hot water (not while the water is on the stove) or using a steam vaporizer. Inhale the steam for about 10 minutes. Taking a hot, steamy shower may also work. Mentholated preparations, such as Vicks Vapo-Rub, can be added to the water or vaporizer to aid in opening the passageways.
Chronic or recurring sinusitis lasts longer than eight weeks or occurs more than four times per year with symptoms usually lasting more than 20 days.
If a person experiences mild personality changes, headache, neck stiffness, high fever, altered consciousness, visual problems, or seizures, infection may have spread to the brain. Coma and death may follow.

So treat our health as importantly as possible. Every minor health problem may led to worst condition if not look in to seriously!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


napelahhhh aku nihhhh....kerinngggg tul nak memblogggg....iskkkk

Sunday, March 14, 2010

time flew

i know it has been so long since my last entry here but i've been having a complete off line with a lot of stuff happening. fuhhh my last entry was last year... that's so old.

hmmm for now i have had my emotion and feelings intact for me to be able to express it here in the blog and hopefully i would be able to continuously pen ( or shall i say type my thoughts here ).

will update more soon....


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