Monday, June 15, 2009


In the midst of reading a book... some pointers, boleh dijadikan panduan dan tauladan.

i: make low fat meals
ii: tiba2 teringat ; makan kismis sebab my memory dah sangat berkurang megabyte nye
iii: make acomputerized printout off all my relatives' and friends' birthdays and even their kids'
and have it printed out on a specially made calendar, so that each time I walk in all I have to do
is look up and see whose birthday coming up, and their card and maybe even a giftdepending on
their age and who they were would be a surprise and on time.
'Insya Allah'
iv: plant flowers or 'plants', get some green fingers on ( tried few times, come to a dead plant
instead) but I'll try one more time. Gardening supposed to relax you and even give you some of
those endorphins like people get when they exercise.

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