Sunday, June 7, 2009

science & islam

a friend mentioning to me one day over lunch on this topic u can see in Youtube. A professor Jim Al-Khalili shows us his discovery of great scientific knowledge of our Islamic world, which is over whelming and amazing. as we know Islam has it all and the Koran consists of all the universal secret, wonders and guidance to face whatever possibilities we encounter in this world.

the most interesting that i found is on the episode 1, part 4, which he spoke of a renown Ibn Sina. he had completed a book on medicine. in it he had collected and expand all that has gone before him. the medical ideas from all over and had turned it into a single work.

it's like an encyclopedia consists of all that's related to human body, diseases and it is so well organized that it had started from tip to toe of all the diseases and he started from the head and moves down and also on organs in our body.

among others that could be find is for example on bad temper, vomit, diarrhea end even on depression as well. I find it most amazing that such effort and discovery being made to make it a more accessible knowledge gained by our generation. yeah Youtube helps. let us all make good use of the net by engaging ourself in a positive and useful info and network.

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